

Reports FAQ

Can Sierra Pacific Software create custom reports for my Agency?

Yes, this is done for a fee on a case by case basis.  The reports can be uploaded into your software and will appear in your reports module.

How can I print a list of employees by specific filters such as Certificate Status, Instructor Qualifications, Second Language, or Special Skills?

Report #s E1, E6, E7, E18: Reports, Employee Reports, Miscellaneous Statistical Listings, “Certificate Status”, “Instructor Qualifications”, “Second Language Skill”, “Special Skill”.

How do I print a demographic summary of a group of employees, either by a specific cost center, all employees or just sworn officers etc?

Report # E11: Reports, Employee Reports, Personnel Statistics, “Personnel/Minority Listing”

How do I print a list of employees in alphabetical order that shows where they are assigned and who their supervisor is?

Report # E21: Reports, Employee Reports, Personnel Statistics, “Employee Location Listing”

How do I print a list of employees assigned to a specific supervisor?

Report # E14: Reports, Employee Reports, Supervisor/Employee Lists, “Employees by Supervisor”

How do I print a summary for the number of employees for the entire organization separated by rank?

Report # E24: Reports, Employee Reports, “Position Rank/Title Summary”

How do I print a report for a single person’s training history?

Report # E3: Reports, Employee Reports, “Training History List”

How do I print a report for a single person’s complete personal information?

Report # E29: Reports, Employee Reports, “Confidential Personal Info”

How do I print out a list of everyone’s CPR certification expiration dates?

Reports, Employee Reports, Certification Tracking, License/CPR/First Aid Renewal.

How do I print an exception report for a course?

You first must know the following. An exception report basically compares the names of people in certain cost center to the names of those who have been given a passing grade in a course. This means you first must register everyone who attended into the course and give them a passing grade. Once that is done go to Reports, Employee Reports, Certification Tracking, Registration “Exception” Report. It will ask you what group you want to be included in the exception. You can select a specific cost center, all employees, all law enforcement or all non law enforcement.